




品牌介绍 / THE BRAND

ANEST COLLECTIVE 是一个独立的高级成衣品牌, 致力于在品牌的世界中激发和培育多元化的创意表达。 ANEST COLLECTIVE is an independent fashion brand, deeply committed to fostering different creative expressions under its roof.

这些作品不仅具有美学吸引力,更蕴含真正的文化价值。 通过与东西方艺术家以及意大利匠人的合作, ANEST 确保每一件作品不仅符合最高品质标准, 还传承了传统与创新, 并在更广泛的艺术对话中占有一席之地。 At the heart of their ethos lies the dedication to crafting precious, timeless garments that carry more than just aesthetic appeal: they embody true cultural value. By collaborating with a spectrum of artists and artisans, they ensure each piece not only adheres to the highest standards of quality but also speaks of heritage and innovation, and places itself within a broader artistic conversation.


长驻上海的Nathan Zhao 和 Emily Chen 是 ANEST COLLECTIVE 创始人。 凭借对奢华服饰与艺术的执着追求, 以及无可比拟的梦想才情, 他们共同创立了这个重新定义当代奢华的品牌。 Based in Shanghai, Nathan Zhao and Emily Chen are the foundational figures behind ANEST COLLECTIVE. With an obsession for luxury garments, art, and an unparalleled capacity to dream, together they have founded a brand that redefines contemporary luxury.

他们秉持品牌的核心价值, 倡导内敛自信,选择隐于幕后, 让他们的服装作品和策展内容为自己发声。 他们如同两个自由的灵魂, 怀抱着对细节和品质永无止境的好奇与严谨, 将 ANEST COLLECTIVE 视为日常的艺术实践。 这是一个根植于纯粹主义哲学的形式。 是东西方之间的一场诗意对话。 They embody the brand core values and advocate for discreet confidence, preferring to stay behind the scenes and let their collections and their curation speak. Endlessly curious and meticulous about detail and quality, these two free spirits approach ANEST COLLECTIVE as a daily artistic practice. An essential ritual grounded in a purist philosophy. A poetic dialogue between East and West.

Nathan 和 Emily 拥有国际化的视野, 将一种新的现代主义风格从中国带向世界。 他们将 ANEST 视为一个画廊, 亲自策展每一次艺术合作, 为品牌注入独特的艺术气质。 Nathan and Emily have an international mindset that introduces a new wave of modernism from China to the rest of the world. Conceiving of ANEST as a gallery, they personally curate each artistic collaboration for the brand.


品牌致力于对最高工艺标准、面料品质和道德生产的坚定承诺。 我们慎选合作伙伴、合作项目以及作品供应商, 确保与品牌价值观保持一致, 与那些注重独立个性、品质和真实性的受众建立联系, 超越时尚潮流的界限。 A commitment to the highest standards of craftsmanship, material quality, and ethical production. A selective approach to partnerships, collaborations, and product offerings, ensuring alignment with the brand's values to connect with an audience that values individuality, quality, and authenticity beyond mainstream fashion trends.


Gregory de la Hogue Moran为品牌带来了独特的视角, 专注于创造超越传统服装界限的永恒之作。 Gregory de la Hogue Moran brings his unique perspective to the brand, focusing on the creation of timeless pieces that transcend traditional wardrobe boundaries.

他的设计理念以共享衣橱为中心——创造兼具多功能性和持久性的单品, 吸引并适合于所有欣赏珍贵服饰的人们,为日常生活增添精致。 来自英格兰、法国和意大利的背景赋予了他丰富多彩的设计理念, 以及对意大利顶尖工匠制造的专业知识。 His design philosophy centers on the idea of a shared wardrobe - creating versatile, enduring pieces that appeal to and can be worn by anyone appreciative of precious garments, for the everyday. With roots in England, France and Italy, his European background informs his richly textured approach to design and insider knowledge of the finest Italian artisan manufacturers.

与 ANEST COLLECTIVE 的两位创始人紧密合作, Gregory 尊重并体现了他们的愿景。 他的设计来自多元元素的影响和视角, 每件作品都充满了超越文化边界的精致性, 唤起人们对真正珍贵事物的直觉性欣赏。 Working closely with ANEST COLLECTIVE's founders in Shanghai, Gregory honors and embodies their vision. Crafting designs that merge diverse influences and perspectives, he infuses each piece with a sophistication that resonates outside of cultural borders and speaks to an intuitive appreciation of what is authentically precious.

他的系列作品体现了关照当下的永恒优雅, 完美融入美学爱好者的日常生活, 同时为追求心仪之物和穿着珍贵服装的乐趣提供了时机与场合。 His collections offer timeless elegance relevant to the here and now, blending seamlessly into the daily life of an aesthete, whilst also offering a time and place for objects of desire and the pleasure of dressing up in a precious garment.